Home » Rise and Grind Schedule

Rise and Grind Schedule

Week 1 Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (5 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Download MINT App -Walk/run min of 1KM-Review your finances in MINT to understand where you are spending money -Walk/run min of 1KM-Continue to review your finances to understand where you are spending money -Walk/run min of 1KM-Review monthly bills.  Call each company and ask for a discount (Internet, insurance, etc) -Walk/run min of 1KM-Cancel magazine subscriptions, cable, and streaming services.  Limit your household to one streaming service -Walk/run min of 1KM-Review your employer’s benefits and saving plans.  Sign-up for any matching plans. -Walk/run min of 1KM-Take the 1% challenge – https://affordanything.com/take-the-one-percent-challenge/ -Walk/run min of 1KM
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out
Week 2 (finances) Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (7 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Write down your dream lifestyle or retirement -Walk/run min of 2KM-Calculate how much you will need for retirement -Walk/run min of 2KM-Determine your asset allocation -Walk/run min of 1KM-Order The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (John C. Bogle) from your library and begin reading / listening at once -Walk/run min of 2KM-Read this article to get motivated!  https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2013/02/22/getting-rich-from-zero-to-hero-in-one-blog-post/ -Walk/run min of 2KM-Read this article to get motivated!  https://affordanything.com/start-here/ -Walk/run min of 2KM-Read this article to get motivated!  https://www.madfientist.com/optimize-your-journey-to-fi/ -Walk/run min of 2KM
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out
Week 3 (fitness) Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (10 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Write down your fitness goals focusing on how you would like to look and feel.  -Walk/run min of 3KM-Read this article to get motivated! https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/9-things-you-see-and-hear-in-every-fitness-success-story/ -Walk/run min of 3KM-Read this article to get motivated! https://www.realsimple.com/health/fitness-exercise/workouts/fitness-motivation -Walk/run min of 3KM-Watch this ATHLEAN-X video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhdtowFDKT0 -Walk/run min of 3KM-Watch this ATHLEAN-X video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bshv_9HWw4 -Walk/run min of 3KM-Watch this ATHLEAN-X video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHD1-2P94DI -Walk/run min of 3KM-Watch this ATHLEAN-X video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc1E5CfRfos -Walk/run min of 3KM
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out
Week 4 (family) Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (12 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Write down your parenting goals focusing on how you would like your kids to remember you when you are gone.  -Walk/run min of 4KM-Subscribe to Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast -Walk/run min of 4KM-Take the 7 Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/the-7-traits-of-effective-parenting/ -Walk/run min of 4KM-Read this article to get motivated!  https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/25-things-i-want-my-kids-to-know/ -Walk/run min of 4KM-Read this article to get motivated! https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/7-tips-for-how-to-recover-from-toddler-stage-burnout/ -Walk/run min of 4KM-Read this article to get motivated! https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/6-ways-to-develop-self-confidence-and-positive-self-image-in-children/ -Walk/run min of 4KM-Read this article to get motivated! https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/an-essential-guide-to-effective-prayer-for-family/ -Walk/run min of 4KM
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out
Week 5 (marriage) Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (13 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray specific blessings on each member of your family.-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray for your co-workers.-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray for your church congregation and pastor (s) at your church.-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray for the salvation of your friends who do not know God. -Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray to God with a thankful heart for the many blessings in your life. -Pick out a book to read or listen to with you wife before bed-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray for your country, politicians, and the world around you.  .-Walk/run min of 5KM -As you walk/run, pray for adventure and your family’s future.
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out
Week 6 Morning-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible-5:30am: Rise and grind -Max out on push-ups/mountain climbers (15 mins) -Read/listen to Bible
Lunch-Walk/run min of 6KM -Review your financial goals.  On track? -Walk/run min of 6KM -Plan an epic family adventure at a local park for the weekend.-Walk/run min of 6KM -Review and meditate on your family values.  If you haven’t had a chance to hang your family values in a prominent place in your house yet, do it tonight. -Walk/run min of 6KM -Sign up for a race outside your comfort zone (triathlon, Tough Mudder, Gran Fondo, etc.).  This will keep you motivated to stick with your fitness journey. -Walk/run min of 6KM -Plan for a babysitter for the last day of this journey. -Walk/run min of 6KM -Take the time today to reflect on the last 41 days.  Do you feel in control?  Do you feel healthier?  Have your relationships with your wife and children blossomed?  Do you feel closer to God and know that he is in control?  -Walk/run min of 6KM -Take your wife out on a hot date to celebrate the journey you have just crushed. 
Evening-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out-Tell your spouse that you love them, followed by a big kiss on the lips -Pray with kids before bed -10PM: Lights out