Home » Day 4

Day 4

Bible verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

What are your family values? Have you taken the time to write out in simple terms what you want your family to be known for? When your kids ask what are the non-negotiables in how to live life, do you have a clear answer? The majority of professional and amateur sports teams have their identity written on their dressing room walls. They typically have their team motto right above the door when they leave their dressing room to hit the field or the ice. At our house, we have our three boys in the same room. My wife and I spent time praying and thinking through what we wanted as the main values for our family. We settled on FAITH FAMILY ADVENTURE. Similar to sports dressing rooms, we had a sign created for this motto and placed it above the door of their bedroom. Every time they leave their room they know what they stand for. As our kids grow up and tackle life, we want them to have their foundation in Christ, we want them to always take care of each other, and we want them to be curious about our world and live a life of adventure. 

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (5 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break

  • Review monthly bills.  Call each company and ask for a discount (Internet, insurance, etc)
  • Walk/run min of 1KM


  • Write down your family values with your spouse
  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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