Home » Day 24

Day 24

Bible verse: Romans 8:26 – In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Our kids always talk about family traditions and look forward to these traditions at every holiday. It is easy to build family traditions… just do things the same for each occasion. Make occasions exciting and something to look forward to. Christmas is our family’s favorite time of the year. We always go to church on Christmas Eve, have a smorgasbord of appetizers for supper, and open one gift prior to bed. On Christmas morning, our kids know that they can wake us up anytime after 6am. They know when we wake up, we will gather around the fireplace and read the story of Jesus’s birthday, open our stockings one by one, and then proceed to the tree where we will each take turns opening presents. On Easter, we follow similar traditions where they know we will always have a no holds barred outdoor/indoor Easter egg hunt. At Halloween, they know we will have family over for supper and then head out trick or treating together. For each of the kids birthdays, they look forward to picking out their own cakes, picking out the themes of their birthdays, and getting the birthday bumps. You can also develop family traditions throughout the week. A simple one we have in our family is that every Friday night is pizza and movie night. We take turns who gets to pick out the movie each week. These occasions are highlights throughout the year. By having traditions for each occasion, it builds family unity, joy, and great memories. 

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (12 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break


  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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