Home » Day 27

Day 27

Bible verse: Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Two of the biggest lessons I have learned from my Dad are to be there for your kids no matter what and being fair. What does that mean to be there for your children no matter what? It means that your spouse and children are your number 1 priority. It means that you commit to being at your kids’ sports games or music recitals. It means that you tuck your kids into bed every night. It means you spend quality time with your children teaching them about God and life in general. It means that when your children are going to College you take time off work to move them in and ensure they have everything they need. My parents were always fair. It was very important for them to be consistent in the way they treated all of us. My sisters and I always felt we were treated respectfully and fairly whether it was presents we received for special occasions or quality time we had to spend with our parents. If we aren’t being consistent with our children and are not treating them fairly, they know. God has blessed us with our children to provide for them for the short time we are all living under the same roof. Be there for your kids no matter what, and treat all your kids with fairness and respect. 

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (12 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break


  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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