Home » Day 28

Day 28

Bible verse: Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

I prayed for my wife each day when I was growing up. I prayed specific prayers. I prayed that she would be beautiful, that we would be silly and not take life to seriously, that we would play sports together, and that she would make each day super fun. God did not disappoint. The first time I met my wife, I knew I was going to marry her. He answered my prayer and blessed me with the most amazing wife who makes each day better than the next. Sure, we have challenges along the way and disagree on things. However, we are a team and we work through these differences. My wife knows that I have hard days and that at times I struggle with feeling overwhelmed with work, kids, and paying the bills. She knows that I need encouragement and her touch to bring positive energy back into my soul. I know that she needs attention in other ways to feel appreciated and happy. As parents, we need to work together as a team and support each other. We need to be aligned, so our kids know that we are on the same page. We also need to be aligned with discipline and being challenged by the kids and support each other in the journey of life we are living together. Most of all, we need to continue to pray for each other. Pray that God will give us strength, wisdom, and understanding to make the best decisions for our family. Pray daily that God will fill your home and your hearts with his love and joy.

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (12 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break


  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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