Home » Day 42

Day 42

Bible verse: 2 Timothy 1:7 – For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline.

Congratulations! You have grinded it out and developed new powerful habits in your life. I am sure this has been an intense 6 weeks which has been challenging and I am sure you have learned a lot about yourself. You will now have clearly defined family values, a regular time of personal prayer and devotion, a spouse that knows how much you love them, kids who know that you are always there for them and love them unconditionally, and a documented dream board with steps to take to get to your ideal lifestyle… not to mention you are stronger with a shredded body… BOOM! In the Resources section you will find a link to articles and resources that I have found inspirational and helpful in my life. I have also included a sample schedule, which summarizes the 42 days of this survival guide. Living a disciplined life is living a joyful life. Automate your life so that you can spend your time where it matters. Remember to love God, have regular adventures with your family, exercise daily, sign up for something new to challenge yourself, and work towards your ideal lifestyle. 

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (15 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break  

  • Walk/run min of 6KM
  • Schedule a hot date with your wife to celebrate the journey you have just crushed


  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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