Home » Day 40

Day 40

Bible verse: Luke 21:19 – Stand firm, and you will win life.

I read recently that one of the best ways to avoid stagnation and depression is to learn something new. It makes sense, right? Is it just me or does it feel like society and people in general are constantly in a state of information overload? We have a phone in our pocket that has answers to every question we could ever imagine. I receive my weekly iPhone report each Sunday. It is usually embarrassing.  This week you have averaged two hours and 13 minutes on your phone? Wow… that is a lot of time checking email and looking at sport highlights! And, I don’t even have social media on my phone… yikes. When we learn something new, it changes us from consumers to creators. Once we become creators, we feel like we have shared value for the world. Maybe made a small difference in someone else’s life. Maybe we have learned how to knit and can give a toque or mittens as a gift to a friend. A couple examples come to mind. My Mom is an amazing quilter.  She has created quilts (blankets) for all her children (4) and grandkids (14) for their beds. Each night when we go to sleep, my Mom’s love is literally keeping us warm on these cold Canadian nights. Another example is my in-laws are great cooks and they recently purchased a fancy smoker. They have been trying new recipes and dropping off meals for their family. And, since I am married to their daughter, I get to enjoy the delicious meals! Another example is this new Dad survival guide. I have never written anything like this before. However, I have always enjoyed writing and have written in a journal for many years. If one person can learn from my experiences, then there is value in sharing. It is a good practice to prioritize learning at least one new thing a year. It can be something small or big. If you can’t get yourself away from your phone… search “how-to” on YouTube and you will learn a new skill in no time. 

Daily Guide:


  • 5:30AM – Wake-up, thank God for this day prior to your feet hitting the ground
  • Max out on push-ups / mountain climbers before leaving your bedroom (15 mins)
  • Read your Bible or listen with audio app

Lunch Break

  • Walk/run min of 6KM
  • Plan for a babysitter for the last day of this journey


  • Tell your wife that you love her and give her a big kiss on the lips
  • Pray with kids before bed
  • 10PM – Lights out

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